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  • Point Break, Raymond Pettibon: Surfers & Waves

    Pettibon is known for his characteristically enigmatic aesthetic and sharply satirical critiques of American culture.


    Though drenched in cynicism, his work empathizes with the dizzying madness of our own humanity as it engages both so-called high and low culture. 

    Perhaps most poetic among the many motifs present in Pettibon’s oeuvre is the surfer. In 1985, Pettibon began his series of surfers and waves––which he continues to work on to this day––popular for depicting a lone surfer silently carving “a line of beauty” along an impossibly large wave.

    Point Break, Raymond Pettibon: Surfers & Waves
    Point Break, Raymond Pettibon: Surfers & Waves

    Pettibon is known for his characteristically enigmatic aesthetic and sharply satirical critiques of American culture.


    Though drenched in cynicism, his work empathizes with the dizzying madness of our own humanity as it engages both so-called high and low culture. 

    Perhaps most poetic among the many motifs present in Pettibon’s oeuvre is the surfer. In 1985, Pettibon began his series of surfers and waves––which he continues to work on to this day––popular for depicting a lone surfer silently carving “a line of beauty” along an impossibly large wave.

    Eleish Van Breems Home | 99 Franklin St | Westport, CT | PH: 203-635-8383 | 14 Easy Street | Nantucket, MA | PH: 508-901-9912
